Home Products Cables Ethernet Cables Shunyata Research Alpha Ethernet Cable

Shunyata Research Alpha Ethernet Cable

SKU: 6943496-1

Home Products Cables Ethernet Cables Shunyata Research Alpha Ethernet Cable

Shunyata Research Alpha Ethernet Cable

SKU: 6943496-1

  • Alpha Ethernet Cable
  • 1.5m Long
  • Incredible Performance
  • Free UK P&P


The Audio Therapy take...

Shunyata Research Alpha Ethernet Cable

The Alpha is the middle Ethernet cable in the Shunyata range and is has come about after long period of extensive research and development from Caelin Gabriel and his team.

It comes in a standard length of 1.5, but it can be ordered in increments of 25cm, each increment is £28.00, so £112.00 for an extra metre.

The Sigma utilises a huge array of technology developed by Shunyata and as a result the performance on offer by the Sigma is rather impressive to say the least. Given the price of admission this cable isn’t going to be for everyone, I understand that, but if you have a top flight system using a streamer or server like a Taiko, Melco N1Z, Innous Statement, Naim ND555, Linn Klimax etc it can totally transform your listening experience.

Compared to the entry level Venom and Delta cables the Alpha uses advanced filtering which drops the noise floor and it simply gives you much more of all the goods things the other cables deliver. It’s more musical with more scale and weight and the better the system the more obvious the benefits are.

PMZ — Shunyata Research digital cables are produced using a ‌Precision Matched Impedance cable geometry. This means that tolerances of the conductor surface, dielectric extrusion, and the precision of the braided shield are held to minute variances. To achieve these tight tolerances, the extrusion and braiding machines must be run at one-quarter speed during the manufacturing process. The result is better performance through a reduction of cable-induced signal jitter.

(Z definition = impedance)

‌‌ArNi® wire was designed by Shunyata Research to be the finest quality wire available. It begins with the highest purity of copper and silver metals available, including Ohno (single crystal), PCOCC silver and OFE C0101 conductors. Fluorocarbon dielectrics, usually only found in aerospace applications that have exceptional electrical characteristics including extremely low dielectric absorption, high dielectric strength and superb heat resistance.  When used in digital wiring it significantly reduces transient energy storage and release which affects phase noise performance.

— And finally every cable undergoes our proprietary KPIP™ process.

TAP/CMODE Hybrid Module — For the purest signal possible, Shunyata Research has merged its patent pending TAP technology and CMODE filter into a single hybrid module. The TAP polarizer reduces electromagnetic signal polarization while the CMODE filter reduces common-mode noise that travels across all conductors. The combination delivers an analog like ease and a palpable background silence that closes the gap between digital and analog systems.

 Patent Pending 

Telegartner — The Telegartner ethernet connector are made in Germany and they performed best in our battery of laboratory tests.  Their full metal construction provides shielding between conductor-pairs and eliminate outside interference.

Kinetic Phase Inversion Processing

Kinetic Phase Inversion Processing was developed by Caelin Gabriel after years of research into the underlying causes of various effects such as burn-in, wire directionality and the effects of cryogenic treatment. He discovered that there was an underlying core principle that burn-in and cryogenics only partially addressed. Once the governing principle was understood it became possible to create a processor that reduces the need for long burn-in periods and eliminates the effects of cryogenic treatment. Four-days of continuous KPIP™ processing dramatically reduces the sonic ups and downs associated with burn-in, delivering a relaxed and natural presentation.


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