Entreq Power Cables

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Entreq Argo Power Cable @ Audio Therapy

Entreq Power Cables

Everything starts with a wall socket!

Entreq Power Cables

Power is fundamental in any audio system, it is where everything starts and obviously without it we won’t get very far.

Mains is dirty and noisy and the impact proper power cables can have on a system is huge!

I hear so many people say to me that mains cables and mains products are a waste of time. That the last metre of power cable between the wall socket and the equipment cannot make any difference when you look at the huge journey electricity has to take from being generated to reach your wall socket!

In many ways that statement has some truth to it, however the reality of it is quite different!

Ultimately in any system the weakest link is what will hold that system back and more often than not that link is power cables. The ability of a power cable to provide a component with high current quickly when it demands it is key.

In the Autumn of 2021 Entreq have made some major revisions to their entire range of products with several product lines being discontinued as well as several new models. In fact, the only power cables that continue from the old range are the Primer Pro and the flagship Olympus Infinity. Entreq have introduced 4 new power cables so the range has reduced from 11 power cables to 6 – which is a little more manageable and also less confusing.

The current line up is as follows

As with anything at this sort of level a home demonstration of power cables is critical to understanding their worth and value within your system.

Ultimately the cleaner signal you can feed a power supply in a product the lower the noise floor will be and as a result of that you will simply hear more music, subtle levels of micro-detail and expression that you have never been able to pick out before.

Entreq have used their well researched design principles to ensure that all of their power cables are as good as they possibly can be. I’ve never done a demonstration of any Entreq power cable that hasn’t impressed someone.

Entreq have left no stone unturned while carrying out their research and development on these new cables. All plugs and IEC connectors are Furutech. All Entreq power cables are designed with separate cables for the phase and neutral and with a mixed earth wire. They also pay considerable attention to the antenna effect, i.e., how many radio waves, magnetic fields etc. the cable receives and send into the device. In this case, material selection and length are critically important.

The new line up of power cable starts with the all new Hexa at £350.

Moving up from the Hexa you step to the Primer Pro (pictured above), which is essentially the same power cable (using a different Furutech mains plug), but it also comes with a hard wired ground cable and Primer Ground Box included in the price, the price jumps from £350 to £600 and the jump in performance between the 2 is very good.

The next cable in a line up is the Primer Infinity, this is an entirely new range of cables for Entreq which effectively replaces what was the Discover Infinity range, the Primer Infinity is £1300 and that includes a hard wired ground cable and Primer Ground Box. All 3 Primer power cables are 1.65m long.

Argo is the next cable in the range, which is another all new 3-way braided design. Argo replaces Konstantin Infinity and is priced at £2200 for a 1.65m length.

Triton is the next cable, this is the big one as it replaces Challenger, Apollo and Atlantis which were £3300, £6600 and £8200 respectively. Entreq have really pulled out the stops with the Triton to ensure it outperforms all 3 of the older cables. As with the Argo, it is an all new designed but Triton is based around a 4 way-braid. The Triton is priced at £3600 for a 1.65m length. The Hexa, Argo and Triton do not require ground boxes.

The Olympus Infinity was the flagship cable in the previous range and that remains unchanged in the new line up.  The Olympus Infinity is available in 2 forms (one optimised for digital components and another for higher current components), both versions require a ground cable and ground box. When connected up with an Olympus Infinity 3.5mm ground cable and an Olympus Ten Tungsten ground box this power cable is not for the faint of heart or light of wallet, it’s a serious upgrade at component level. I’d take this cable with a lesser amp as opposed to a much more expensive amplifier on a lesser power cable, it really is that good.

The digital version of the Olympus Infinity is £11,000 and the standard version is £12,000.

Entreq Primer Pro Power Bar

Entreq also manufacture the Primer Pro Power Bar – this is a 4 ways mains block, it uses 2 of the Furutech NCF double sockets and is hard wired with a 1.65m long Primer Pro Power Cable, as such it has a 0.55m hard wired ground cable coming out of the plug. It doesn’t come with a Primer Ground Box, the thinking behind this is simply anyone who buys a Primer Pro Power Bar is very likely to be using a Primer Pro Power Cable and the Primer Box that comes with that cable has 2 sockets, so you can use 1 socket for the Power Cable and the other for the Power Bar.

If you want to find out for yourself what Entreq power cables can do for your system please get in touch

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