23rd April 2018 · Entreq

To Infinity and Beyond with Entreq!

The Entreq Challenger 3V Infinity Power Cable is the first of the new breed of power cables to arrive on demonstration here at Audio Therapy towers.
I’ll set my stall out immediately, this cable is priced at £3300 and is not for the faint of heart. I’ll admit I was initially a bit concerned when I saw the price of this cable as it was a more than 50% increase from the price of the outgoing 3V (£2100) which if you know me you’ll be well aware it was the most popular power cable I have sold by a significant margin. People borrowed one, they kept it – it was that simple in reality, but £3300 for the new one…….it was going to have go some to justify the cost.

Entreq Challenger 3V Infinity Power Cable @ Audio TherapyThankfully all of my concerns were swept aside after about 5 seconds of music playing – going from an original 3V to this represents a genuinely stunning upgrade. Changing from a ‘free in the box’ power cable or any ‘decent’ aftermarket power cable is a complete and utter game-changer if truth be told. The sound-stage has just substantially increased in size, across all dimensions and multiple layers of texture and micro-detail are so much evident with this cable installed.

The overall presentation is Entreq through and through – organic, endlessly detailed and musical with beautiful flow and with no hint of coarseness or aggressive drive/attack.

Entreq Challenger 3V Infinity @ Audio TherapySince connecting it up I literally I have not been able to drag myself away from my system, it’s a hugely revealing/transparent system but all of sudden things have just taken a rather big leap forward. I hate to use the old cliche of hearing stuff for the first time in recordings you know well…….but!

I totally appreciate that at £3300 this cable isn’t going to be for everyone, but if you’ve a (I’ll use this term loosely and reluctantly) ‘high-end’ system and you want to get the best out it, you need to have a listen to one of these. If you think you know your system well it may be time to put thought that to the test!

I predict there will be a quantity of original Challenger 3V power cables coming back in part exchange over the coming months!

But, if you are new to the weird and wonderful world of Entreq organise a listen!

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