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Shunyata Research Alpha X Loudspeaker Cable

SKU: 101301209901cj

Home Products Brands Shunyata Research Shunyata Research Audio Cables Shunyata Research Alpha X Loudspeaker Cable

Shunyata Research Alpha X Loudspeaker Cable

SKU: 101301209901cj

  • Shunyata Alpha X Loudspeaker Cable
  • £6000 for 2.5m pair
  • Brilliant Performance


The Audio Therapy take...

Shunyata Research Alpha X Loudspeaker Cable

The Alpha X loudspeaker cable is the replacement for the the popular Alpha V2 and it sits in the middle of Shunyata’s range of cables

A 2.5m pair is priced at £6000 which equates to £1200 per metre, longer lengths are priced at £480 per additional half metre. Sonically the Alpha excels at detail, space, air and has superb scale and bass response

Alpha X outperforms Sigma V2 by a decent margin

Termination can be either spades or 4mm plugs at either end

Home trial available




TAP (Transverse Axial Polarizer) is a patent-pending technology developed by Shunyata Research to enhance the performance of its reference signal cables. The evolution of this technology has led to the creation of TAPc, a groundbreaking advancement that significantly reduces the size of the modules, enabling their application across a broader range of cables, including power cords, interconnects, digital cables and speaker cables.

The sonic results of TAPc technology include a profound drop in perceived noise floor, effortlessly portrayed dynamics, and an exceptional rendering of timing and coherency. These benefits are unique to TAPc, setting it apart from any competing product or technology. Even to an untrained ear, the effects of TAPc are immediately apparent and consistently repeatable across various components and systems. Essentially, the TAPc modules act as force multipliers, elevating the listening experience to levels many would not have thought possible.





HARP was discovered through Gabriel’s research into ‘current drift’ and audio frequency current resonances that occur in speaker cables. Theoretically, a speaker cable may develop current resonances in the audio band, being roughly analogous to standing waves (modals) in room acoustics. The ‌‌HARP module acts as a current mode diffraction device that breaks up these resonances, improving the perceived resolution and coherency of the system.




VTX-Ag tech icon



Shunyata’s VTX-Ag cables are uniquely constructed with both an inner, center conductor made of pure silver and an outer concentric ring conductor made of pure copper. It’s made using the finest fluorocarbon insulation to minimize dielectric absorption and re-radiation which translates to an improvement in resolution and clarity. VTX-Ag delivers the speed and clarity of silver and the midrange warmth and three dimensional power in the lower octaves of copper without imparting any of the negatives associated with either metal. – The best qualities of silver and copper combined.


KPIP v2 tech icon


Shunyata Research’s proprietary Kinetic Phase Inversion Process includes four days of continuous KPIP v2™ processing which refines conductor metals at a molecular level. This dramatically reduces burn-in time and significantly improves sonic performance, delivering a relaxed and life-like presentation. When compared to the original process, KPIP v2™ represents a dramatic performance upgrade on par with a component-level upgrade.




Conductors: VTX-Ag

Gauge: 08

Dielectric: Fluorocarbon

Terminals: Gold/copper fixed or STIS v3

TAPc: Dual module / 204 elements

HARP: Dual 10

Color: Black flex

KPIP v2 Processing: 4-days

Standard Length: 2.50 meters

Safety Assurance:
Continuity and polarity tests – by two technicians
HiPOT tests insulation breakdown @ 1,200 VAC

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