A good client has recently invested in a Melco N1A to upgrade his older existing streamer. We’ve spent some time over the past 6 months upgrading his system, focusing primarily on cables and infrastructure to ensure that is system is singing to very best of its abilities. To that end the customer decided on Tellurium Q Black Diamond Interconnect with Ultra Black Speaker Cable and a smattering of some Entreq as well. After every upgrade the client was always delighted with the impact and improvements it brought to his music
As with all clients I always ask them for some feedback on their new purchase to make sure they are happy and getting the very best of it in their system – I received an email from him a couple of days after having the Melco connected into his system…….
“My system is really singing now! I think all the upgrades to kit and peripherals have really paid off, it’s allowing the Melco to show its talents.
There has always been a hi-fi mantra about getting the source right and everything else will follow, which makes sense but now I really get it.
On tracks I know intimately I’m suddenly hearing more detail on……even things like the hum of an amplifier that I’d not heard before, even lips parting as someone is about to sing. Just generally the music sounds more full and complete. Like a fatter pipe of information is being fed into the dac. It almost seems to slow the music down because of the extra separation of notes and instruments. It’s tonally so pure and unbiased and detailed in comparison to my old streamer. “
As a Melco Audio Master Dealer we have all aspects of Melco and digital music/streaming covered, so if you have any questions about Melco and what it can do for your system please drop me an email, I’d be delighted to help!
Also, if you are looking to get the very best out of your system but are unsure where to start please don’t hesitate to get in touch, with Tellurium Q, Entreq, Stillpoints and Musicworks on hand we have the infrastructure to make any system really sing!